Thursday, May 13, 2010

This Week In Service

If you have done any volunteer work this academic year, or do any this summer, please remember to log your hours here:
It's Finals Week and the weather is fine. Many of you will be off for summer fun (or jobs or just hanging out watching World Cup Soccer), but we'll still have great ways to get involved in some inspiring and fun community projects all summer long:
Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine (SARSSM) is implementing an improved Volunteer Training program online and in the classroom. For more information and to get involved as volunteer, contact or go to the website:
Service Learning Community of Practice on Wednesday, May 19th, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in 216 Abromson, Portland.  Maryli Tiemann from Maine Campus Compact will facilitate conversation about the following:  assessment strategies; reflection and critical thinking skills; community partner issues; management issues; maintaining reciprocity; and exploring the growth of a project.  There will be coffee and pastries.  Please RSVP to
Konbit Sante hosts Maine Walks for Haiti on Saturday, June 5th, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. at Payson Park in Portland.  This event will benefit more than 20 organizations throughout the state that work to improve education, help the elderly, improve health, work with orphanages, support sister parishes, and build playgrounds in Haiti.  USM Professor of Therapeutic Recreation David Jones's organization International Childhood Enrichment Program is one of the beneficiaries of this event.  For more information contact or call 207-347-6733. 
STREET SOCCER USA (SSUSA) uses a mentor based approach to supporting homeless individuals seeking a change in their circumstance. Through soccer, mentor and mentee build a friendship and a supportive community. Volunteers / interns will be involved in (primarily) a variety of administrative tasks in ordered to get the local of SSUSA chapter up and running. For more info go to or contact David at
Finally, as we begin to look ahead to next August and the inevitable turn over in AmeriCorps staff:
Applications are invited for six full time and eight part time service positions for 2010-2011, in support of our mission of campus-community engagement for student learning and meeting community need.  Full time positions require a bachelor's degree and carry living stipends and education awards; part time positions carry education awards only and are intended for undergraduate or graduate USM students.
  • Community Service and Leadership Coordinator - Full time AmeriCorps VISTA position, leading our recruitment, support, and tracking of student community service, building and supporting community partnerships for service, providing leadership training for our Student Service Leaders program, and leading Day of Service projects.
  • Mentoring Coordinator - Full time AmeriCorps VISTA position, managing and building upon our "Husky Mentors" program in collaboration with Big Brothers Big Sisters and Portland Public Schools.
  • College Access and Success Coordinator - Full time AmeriCorps position, leading outreach to secondary school students for increased college aspirations and access, and with USM students through experiential learning for increased retention and success.
  • Multicultural Outreach Coordinator - Full time AmeriCorps position, leading outreach to multicultural students in the wider community for increased college aspirations and access, and to multicultural students at USM for engagement to support retention and success.
  • Sustainable Environment Entrepreneur - Two full time AmeriCorps positions - one based on the Gorham campus, one on the Portland campus -  working with USM Dining Services and Residential Life to increase student awareness of and engagement with environmental issues including sustainable dining practices, and with USM Facilities Management and faculty to engage students in projects for environmental sustainability including energy conservation and weatherization.
  • Student Service Leaders - Up to 8 part-time AmeriCorps positions recruiting and supporting students in service with community partner projects and organizations.
With spinach and basil growing all around,
The Farm House
University of Southern Maine
Office of Community Service
     and Civic Engagement
(207)228-8091 / fax (207)228-8403

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