Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Help us host New Mainers on campus April 13!

Community Service Learning is hosting Refugee and Immigration Services client families for the 4th annual New Mainers' Day on our Portland Campus on Saturday, April 13, 11 AM - 2 PM.  Refugee and immigrant families and individuals who've relocated to greater Portland in the last year are invited to come to socialize with each other, and to learn more about the opportunities for them at USM.  There will be lunch, play time and a Planetarium Show for the children, and information sessions from Admission, Financial Aid, ESOL and the Bridge Program, and Prior Learning Assessment.
This program is made possible by a grant from the University of Maine System's
Students from numerous disciplines will help with hosting, learning from and about our new neighbors and the cultures they represent.  Their numbers could use some supplementing, however, so if you're interested in helping to host this event, setting up ahead of time, supporting the children's activities, guiding guests from one location to another, or helping with clean up, please contact Kelly Schussler in our office: kschussler@usm.maine.edu or 780-4209.
Andrea Thompson McCall, Director
-Community Service Learning
-Religious and Spiritual Life
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Phone 207-228-8284
FAX 207-228-8403

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