Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Volunteer Opportunity: MLK Day of Service

Hello Everyone!

Every year, the Office of Community Service Learning hosts an MLK Day
of Service project to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This year, we will be serving at Portland High School and Boys and Girls
Club of Southern Maine in Riverton Park by teaching youth about
nonviolent bullying prevention and intervention. USM students will
engage high school youth in a bullying intervention workshop. Once the
high school students are trained in bullying intervention, they will then
serve with more USM and SMCC students at Boys and Girls Club, by
teaching elementary aged youth about bullying and Martin Luther King
Here are the details of the event:

Days to Volunteer:
Dec 1st & 2nd from 2:15-4:00 at Portland High School
-Help us train high school students at in bullying prevention and
intervention. Volunteer activities include leading an open discussion,
performing a short skit, and then doing a creative reflection activity
with the youth. You can volunteer on one day, or both days!

January 13th- from 3:30-5:30 at Boys and Girls Club in Riverton
- Volunteer activities included leading a guided discussion
about what bullying is, who Martin Luther King is, and how bullying
relates to MLK's mission. Volunteers will also perform a short skit, or sit
with the children while they watch the skit. At the end of the day,
volunteers will help the elementary school students create a 6 word
reflection on what they have learned on a cut out hand, which will then
be pasted to a "tree."

This is a great way to do some community service with children if you
do not want to make a long-term commitment! You can volunteer on
all three days if you want to, but you do not have to! For more
information, or to sign up, contact Stacy Normand at

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