Friday, October 14, 2011

Job Skills Class Volunteers

Hey Everyone! Parkside Neighborhood Center on Grant Street is looking for
some volunteers. Here is a letter from them explaining the program:

We here at the Parkside Neighborhood Center are extremely excited about our
new One-On-One Job Skills Class! The class began this year as a pilot
program with the help of some community partners. Due to its great success
and desire from our clients to continue with the class, we have now been
running it as part of our regularly scheduled weekly programming for
clients. Due to the class' newly begun status, it is still a fluid and
changing program.

But we at Parkside need your help! I am currently recruiting volunteers to
aid me and the other Parkside intern in working with our clients in this
class as well as aiding in the updating and continuing development of our

Areas of help needed: working with clients to search for jobs online, create
and update resumes with clients, and complete intake forms with clients;
outreach work to educate and recruit new clients; developing of new aspects
of programming to make class more effective; recruitment of outside
resources such as other job skills professionals to present relevant
presentations to our class.

Job skills class time: Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 p.m.

We are interested in short-term, long-term and/or winter break volunteers,
so please come join us at our center! This is an amazing opportunity that
may very well pave the way for additional volunteer opportunities in social

For more information contact Amber Clark at or call

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