Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day of Service Committees

Committees for Day of Service

If you would like to get involved in the planning and facilitation of the Day of Service, April 15th, 2011, please pick a committee to join and fill out the respective doodle poll with your availability. Hope all is well and stay warm

Logistics committee:

will be helping to determine all the logistics of the Day of Service.  This includes, but is not limited to:






 space reservations

 release forms

 reserving easel pads

 van rental

 tabling booking

 Photo assignments


Jill Santamore: jsantamore@usm.maine.edu



This first task for this committee is to create a budget for the day's event. (See Senate Proposal in Transition Binder for 2010 Budget)

Tasks and responsibilities include but are not limited to:


Keeping a record of who is sponsoring what  (i.e. student groups, Student Government, offices on campus, etc)

Being in charge of any and all written/filed purchase orders

Donations/Sponsorship for the day (T-shirts, Aramark, restaurants, etc)


Emma Perry: eperry@usm.maine.edu

Fill out this doodle poll to sign up for the logistics committee and finance committee as these two groups will be working closely together to create and execute a budget:



Public Relations/Marketing:

This committee's sole focus is getting people involved and supporting the Day of Service. This includes but is not limited to:


Faculty and Staff Involvement

Student Group Involvement

Alumni Involvement

Entire campus support/involvement

Personal Invitations

Thinking outside the box with how to promote this day to students and get their commitment (recruitment)

Public Relations Department at USM

Media Relations-newspapers, television, etc


Neil Riley: nriley@usm.maine.edu

Fill out this doodle poll to sign up for the Public Relations/Marketing committee: http://doodle.com/s3st7vh8kcd52q55


Project Development:

This committee is responsible for working with community partners to create projects for the Day of Service. Projects will be created through the Office of Community Service Learning.


Amanda Drapcho: adrapcho@usm.maine.edu

Fill out this doodle poll to sign up for the project development committee: http://doodle.com/bugzimrayx3rd84h



Amanda Claire Drapcho
Community Service Coordinator
Office Of Community Service Learning
University of Southern Maine
(207) 780 4209

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