Friday, December 5, 2008

PortSports + Wassail = <3

You are cordially invited to PortSports First Annual Holiday Wassailing Party!!
Please check out the link for event information and help spread the word!
The Wayside Soup Kitchen has provided some facts about the local hunger problem:

  • The typical American eats an average of one dinner per week at a restaurant at an average cost of $25.00 per meal.
  • The average cost per meal at the Wayside Soup Kitchen is $1.77.
  • Almost one in ten people in Maine is either hungry or worried about going hungry.
  • From 2000 to 2005, Maine had had the highest increase in the country in the percentage of people who go hungry.
  • One third of people in Maine on food stamps are working.
  • A third of Maine workers do not earn a living wage.
  • To avoid having to accept handouts, adults in many families go without food so their children can eat.
  • 94,000 children in Maine are living in homes at risk of hunger.
Can’t attend but would like to donate food/money? Just contact Dave & Morgan Surkin:

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