Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Looking for service opportunities over the break? It will be slow, but not void of opportunities!

The Boys & Girls Club in Riverton is looking for volunteers to help with dinner set up and break down, gift wrapping and PLAYING! It's 3-6pm this Friday night, but if you can come for just one hour, that would be great! Call Tiffanie at 797-9048 or email her:

Monday, December 29th
will be USM guest chef night at Ronald McDonald House.

The Wayside Soup Kitchen always needs people to help serve breakfasts or dinner. Let me know if you want to do this with some friends!

In January, we will be having a big Martin Luther King, Jr event on Saturday, the 17th. During this event, we'll be working with kids at the three Portland Housing Authority education centers to make art about dreams. FMI:

STRIVE will still be having their Friday night social dances, and you are more than welcome to come get dowwwn! FMI:

Enjoy some time off and stay warm!


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