Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mentoring/Tutoring/AmeriCorps: APPLY NOW!

The time is NOW for USM students to begin serving in programs to promote college access for disadvantaged students in elementary, middle and high school programs!  Please spread the word, as time is of the essence for the benefit of our students and the K-12 students in the community who will be served by these programs!  Interested students should go to www.usm.maine.edu/community to apply.  Yours in service to service, ATM


A one-to-one relationship with a student identified by school personnel as one who could benefit from additional time and attention from a positive adult role model (not students with deep or complex problems).  Focus may, but need not be academic support; goal is self-esteem, engagement in academic work, aspirations for higher education.  Meetings are at the schools, once per week about an hour to an hour and a half after school (2:00 or 3:00 PM).  Training and in-service support provided by our staff.  Contact Belana Warmflash, 780-4679 or bwarmflash@usm.maine.edu.

·         King Middle School, Portland (days to be determined, after school, 3-5 PM)

·         Portland High School, Portland (Monday-Friday, during study halls or after school, 2:15-5:00 PM)

After School Programs

Work with individuals or small groups of students in school-based or community-based after school enrichment programs; provide homework support, targeted tutoring, and support for age-appropriate, structured learning activities.  Goal is engagement and achievement in academic work and aspirations for higher education. Training and in-service support provided by our staff.  Contact Stacy Normand, Programs Coordinator, 780-4537 or snormand@usm.maine.edu.

·         LearningWorks AfterSchool at Reiche Elementary School, Portland (Mostly 3rd-4th graders, Monday-Thursday, 2:30-5:00 PM)

·         LearningWorks AfterSchool at East End Elementary School, Portland (Mostly 3rd-4th graders, Monday-Thursday, 2:30-5:00 PM)

·         Boys & Girls Club at Riverton Park (Mostly elementary age, 3:00-6:00 PM)

·         Parkside Neighborhood Center, NightLight Program (Ages 6-14, Monday 3:00-5:30, Tuesday 3:00-4:30, Wednesday 2:00-5:15, Thursday 3:00-5:30, Friday 3:00-5:00)

·         Portland Housing Authority Study Center, Riverton Park (Middle and high school ages, Monday-Thursday, 3-6 PM)

·         Make It Happen Academic Center at Deering High School (ELL students, Monday – Thursday, 2-4 and/or 4-6 PM)


An additional option for students serving two semesters in any of these targeted programs, either of our AmeriCorps programs includes:

·         300 hours of service over a calendar year (including mentoring or after school program service, class time if for service learning, and other community service throughout the year-long term of service, including summer)

·         Modest training and reporting requirements

·         $1175 Education Award on completion of the term of service, in the form of a voucher usable toward payment of tuition or qualified student loans


Andrea Thompson McCall
 Director of Community Service Learning
 University Interfaith Chaplain
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Phone 207-228-8284
FAX 207-228-8403

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