Thursday, August 20, 2009

New School Year!! And Service Year!!

We are back and in action!!

This is David here, but since there are two David's in the office, I will just go by DMC to make it easy. I am the volunteer coordinator for USM and will be posting on here as often as I can.

Along with me, Lauren, Alicia, David (DB) and our counterpart Brittany in the SGA office are tackling the new school year full-steam ahead. We will be managing our facebook and email accounts, so feel free to send us messages and invites. We want to be included!!

So I hope everyone enjoyed the summer, I actually can't wait til it cools down!!

And FYI:

September 11 will be a National Day of Service in our nation. We will be joining in a Deering Oaks Park Clean-Up with the Hour Exchange Portland that day. If your in the area we would love to meet everyone and spend what will be a great day together. More details will follow in the coming weeks..


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