Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Did you know that blue was the color originally associated with St Patrick? If you're wearing blue jeans with your green and/or orange, breathe easy!

We've been busy here at the office, and blogging has fallen behind. We have been giving the Civic Leadership Series, as I discussed in the last post, have been presenters at Change '09!, and held a Community Arts Gala!

Break is coming up next week, and we'll have two great volunteer activities. One will be a project focusing on poverty, hunger, and homelessness, and will be led by the Interfaith Chaplaincy.

The second activity will be with The Kids' Consortium, and it's the Student Summit on Service Learning. The conference will be at USM Thursday, March 26th and Friday, March 27th. Volunteers are needed from registration to facilitation of team building activities, and you'll get lunches and a tshirt for spending time volunteering with middle and high schoolers! You can volunteer all or part of both days.

For those of you runners, Colby and Hardy Girls/Healthy Women are sponsoring a 5k to benefit HGHW! First 25 registrants get a free tshirt! Run run run!

Upcoming is the last-Monday-of-the-month dinner at the Ronald McDonald House. I'll be headed over at 4:30 on March 30th.

In other news, the Red Cross is holding its annual "Real Heroes Breakfast" on Thursday, March 19th, and I'm going! Wee! I'll share the fancy details with you upon my return!

Shamrocks and Celtic knots,

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