Thursday, September 25, 2008

Let's Make Things Happen!


Fall is here, and it’s time to get involved!
  • Coastal Clean-Up
  • Mentoring: Spotlight on STRIVE U and Reiche
  • Tutoring
  • Free Press article
  • Dinner at Ronald McDonald House
The Coastal Clean-Up is THIS SATURDAY from 1-5pm at Higgins Beach in Scarborough. We’re going to collect and catalog trash so that the environmental group can see what’s being thrown where!

We still have room available, so contact if you want to join!

We are ALWAYS looking for mentors!

I know I wrote about it before, but I want to highlight two special mentoring programs:

STRIVE U is a program for emotionally and physically disabled 15-24 year olds. They are looking for mentors to come hang out with their students a few hours a week. This extra time commitment is spent usually doing an hour of schoolwork and then an hour of fun! Students love to play board games or basketball, or just talk to you! The students at STRIVE U are mainstreamed as much as possible, but sometimes they just want to connect with kids their own age. If you can't commit to mentoring, they have social events every Friday night and are always looking for volunteers to come hang out!

Reiche School on Brackett Street in Portland has an innovative mentoring program that needs students! This after-school program puts mentors with small groups of Reiche students at a time. Over the weeks, the kids form a strong bond with their mentor while they do homework, play games, or other activities. This program has a unique teaching opportunity: mentors are encouraged to teach a short lesson on something fun, like doing yoga, knitting, or cooking! The Reiche program is a branch of the SAFE & SMART program, which focuses on educating kids about whole health.

If you think either of these (or any of our) mentoring programs sound interesting, please let me know!, 780-4537


We have an after-school study session set up at both Portland and Gorham High School. These sessions are staffed by a teacher, some peer helpers from the school, and USM students. The Portland program is run through the Portland Mentoring Alliance, and the Gorham program is the brainchild of Joe Cerny, one of our AmeriCorps Service Leaders!
If you’d like to spend an hour or two a week in a low-key tutoring environment, please let me know!, 780-4537

Read about us in the Free Press!

Our very own
Alicia Sampson wrote an article in the Free Press about getting involved with the local community. It hits stands next week, so keep your eyes open!

Dinner at Ronald McDonald House

The last Monday of every month is our night to cook dinner at the Ronald McDonald House on Brackett Street in Portland. We need a few students to commit an hour or two to preparing a dinner that will be served buffet style around 6pm. This a really easy way to get involved at a great place, and I encourage you to contact me if you'd like to join me!
I'll be going this coming Monday, September 29th, around 4:30pm.

I hope that one or more of these activities will inspire you to get involved! We can’t do it without you!
See you soon,

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