Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Please donate blood tomorrow!

The American Red Cross reports that blood supplies are dangerously low as we move toward the Labor Day holiday weekend.  USM is hosting blood drives tomorrow on the Portland campus (sponsored and staffed by the Student Nurses' Association, 11 AM - 4 PM, 102 Wishcamper) and on the Gorham campus (sponsored and staffed by Sigma Nu Fraternity, Brooks Student Center, 10 AM - 4 PM).  If you are able, please consider taking an hour out of your day to make a donation that has the potential to save up to three lives.   For more information, or to make an appointment to donate: www.redcrossblood.org or 1-800-RED CROSS.

Friday, August 27, 2010

To make an appointment to donate blood...

September 1 on the Portland or Gorham campus:
To book on line:  www.redcrossblood.org or by phone: 1-800-RED CROSS (733-2707).
Andrea Thompson McCall, Director
   - Community Service Learning
   - Interfaith Chaplaincy
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Phone 207-228-8284
FAX 207-228-8403

Blood Drive September 1 - Portland and Gorham

USM is hosting American Red Cross Blood Drives on both Portland and Gorham campuses next week, on Wednesday, September 1.
In Portland, the drive is  11 AM - 4 PM in 102 Wishcamper, and the Student Nurses' Association is sponsoring and staffing the drive.
In Gorham, the drive is 10 AM - 4 PM in Brooks Student Center (lower level), sponsored and staffed by Sigma Nu Fraternity.
"There is a critical need for blood donors now. In fact, someone is counting on you at this very moment to give the gift of life. All blood types are needed, but type O negative donors can make the difference between an adequate blood supply and a shortage."
Andrea Thompson McCall, Director
   - Community Service Learning
   - Interfaith Chaplaincy
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Phone 207-228-8284
FAX 207-228-8403

Thursday, August 26, 2010

AmeriCorps Enrollment Complete

Enrollment of new members in our AmeriCorps Service Leaders Program has ended today, very successfully.  I am pleased to announce that we have four continuing and nine new AmeriCorps Service Leaders as the 2010-2011 academic year begins!  Contact them directly or through our office to find out how to get involved in the good work they are leading with this impressive array of community partner organizations.  They are:
Alfine Nathalie - Parkside Neighborhood Center
Ashley Oliver - Alternative Spring Break
Christine Peura - Campus Community Mentoring Project
Maha Jaber - Boys and Girls Club
Ryan Almy - Portland Housing Authority (Riverton Park Study Center)
Susan Worcester - Youth Alternatives Ingraham, and Belize Service Learning Project
Emma Boucher - Nursing Partnership (Bayside Neighborhood)
Kristin Lewis - Nursing Partnership (Partners in Rural Health in the Dominican Republic)
Cole Leighton - Campus Safety Project
Alison Godbout - Alternative Spring Break
Kelley Walsh - Learning Works, Youth Building Alternatives
Jacqueline Mylroie - Portland Mentoring Alliance
Corinna Chevalier - Catholic Charities Maine
Congratulations to these students, who have committed to 300 hours of service and leadership, strengthening USM's partnerships with these organizations, building our capacity to engage more students in addressing community need, and strengthening their own civic leadership skills.
Andrea Thompson McCall, Director
   - Community Service Learning
   - Interfaith Chaplaincy
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Phone 207-228-8284
FAX 207-228-8403

Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Call for AmeriCorps Service Leader candidates!

We have one more week and a few positions remaining for AmeriCorps Service Leaders for the 2010-2011 year!
Students with a commitment to service take a leadership role, recruit and manage volunteers with a community partner or project, gain valuable civic and leadership skills, and earn a $1000 scholarship.
Interested students should contact me immediately; the window of opportunity closes on Friday, August 27th!
Andrea Thompson McCall, Director
   - Community Service Learning
   - Interfaith Chaplaincy
University of Southern Maine
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04104-9300
Phone 207-228-8284
FAX 207-228-8403

Thursday, August 19, 2010


USM has new AmeriCorps VISTAs for 2010-2011's upcoming academic year, they are:

Amanda Drapcho, Community Service Coordinator-Amanda has recently moved back to the Northeast after serving two years in West Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer. She enjoys foreign films, philanthropy, and higher education. She's anxiously awaiting for students to stop in, say hi, and get involved in some Community Service Learning here at USM.

Emma Catherine Perry will be joining the Office of Community Service Learning as a Mentoring Coordinator. Emma grew up on the New Hampshire seacoast, and studied art history at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. After graduating in 2009, she has worked as an eighth grade Spanish teacher, an elementary school art instructor, and was most recently an education intern at the Chinati Foundation, a contemporary art museum in Marfa, Texas. She's happy to be back in New England (especially for the fall!), and is very excited to start work at USM! In addition to developing mentoring projects in Portland, Emma also hopes to help students find service opportunities that directly relate to art and creative writing.


Amanda Claire Drapcho
Community Service Coordinator
Office Of Community Service Learning
University of Southern Maine
(207) 780 4209

Red Cross Blood Drive

USM Blood drive
Wednesday, September 1st
Gorham Campus-Student Center
Wednesday, September 1st
Portland Campus-Wishcamper Center
Please Call the American Red Cross @1-800-RED CROSS or log on to www.redcrossblood.org for an appointment
Amanda Claire Drapcho
Community Service Coordinator
Office Of Community Service Learning
University of Southern Maine
(207) 780 4209