Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mentor Celebration Rescheduled

Due to MASSIVE amounts of snow and ice, the Mentor Celebration has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, February 4th. It will still be 4-6pm in the Woodbury Ampitheatre.

Please come and share your story!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mentor Celebration!

The Greater Portland Mentoring Partnership and I are inviting you to a Mentor Celebration to be held in the Woodbury Campus Center on Wednesday, January 28th from 4-6pm. I am inviting you to come for part or all of this time. There will be light refreshments and a few USM students will be talking about their experiences as mentors. In addition, Sue Steele from the Portland Public Schools will speak about the wonderful connection between USM and the local schools.

This celebration is intended to recognize the fantastic work mentors do within USM and the Greater Portland community. January is National Mentoring Month, and I think you all deserve a big thank you!

If any mentors are compelled to share a mentoring experience at the event, they are welcome to do so! Parking is available in the garage across the street from the Campus Center, and I will have vouchers available if you need them.

Please forward this information to anyone you see fit, and I hope to see you Wednesday!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

MLK Day!

Martin Luther King, Jr Day is fast approaching! To read our event description and sign up, go here:

Happy January!